Visit us

Experience the unique charm of the Transylvanian Saxon region, also known as the “Oat Country” or Haferland, due to the local tradition of cultivating oats, adapted to the harsher climate.
Visit the picturesque villages of Archita, Viscri, Homorod, Saschiz, Rupea, Criț, Bunești, Roadeș, Meșendorf, and Cloașterf, where the countryside will take you on a true journey back in time. Here, you will discover robust, miniature fortress-like houses with austerely decorated but full of personality rooms, where solid wood furniture, hand-painted with traditional motifs and bright colors, will delight your eyes.
Do not miss the opportunity to explore the region’s famous fortified churches, perfect places forreflection or enjoying organ concerts.

For an unforgettable experience, we invite you to stay at Casa Kraus, a place that combines tradition with modern comfort, offering its guests an authentic and welcoming atmosphere. Come and enjoy the charming landscapes and the hospitality of the Transylvanian Saxons.